PREFILED    JAN 10 2014

REFERENCE TITLE: tax credits; STOs; preapproval; entities




State of Arizona


Fifty-first Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1048


Introduced by

Senators Yarbrough, Farnsworth, Murphy; Representatives Allen, Borrelli, Lesko, Livingston, Mesnard: Senator Shooter; Representative Dial





amending sections 43‑222 and 43‑1021, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending title 43, chapter 10, article 5, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 43‑1089.04; amending sections 43-1183, 43-1184, 43‑1503 and 43‑1603, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to income tax credits.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 43-222, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-222.  Income tax credit review schedule

The joint legislative income tax credit review committee shall review the following income tax credits:

1.  For years ending in 0 and 5, sections 43‑1079.01, 43‑1087, 43‑1088, 43‑1090.01, 43‑1167.01, 43‑1175 and 43‑1182.

2.  For years ending in 1 and 6, sections 43‑1074.02, 43‑1083, 43‑1083.02, 43‑1085.01, 43‑1164.02, 43-1164.03 and 43‑1183.

3.  For years ending in 2 and 7, sections 43‑1073, 43‑1079, 43‑1080, 43‑1085, 43‑1086, 43‑1089, 43‑1089.01, 43‑1089.02, 43-1089.03, 43‑1090, 43‑1164, 43‑1167, 43‑1169, 43‑1176 and 43‑1181.

4.  For years ending in 3 and 8, sections 43‑1074.01, 43‑1081, 43‑1168, 43‑1170 and 43‑1178.

5.  For years ending in 4 and 9, sections 43‑1076, 43‑1076.01, 43‑1081.01, 43‑1083.01, 43‑1084, 43-1089.04, 43‑1162, 43‑1162.01, 43‑1164.01, 43‑1170.01 and 43-1184 and, beginning in 2019, sections 43-1083.03 and 43‑1164.04. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Section 43-1021, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1021.  Additions to Arizona gross income

In computing Arizona adjusted gross income, the following amounts shall be added to Arizona gross income:

1.  A beneficiary's share of the fiduciary adjustment to the extent that the amount determined by section 43‑1333 increases the beneficiary's Arizona gross income.

2.  An amount equal to the ordinary income portion of a lump sum distribution that was excluded from federal adjusted gross income pursuant to section 402(d) of the internal revenue code.

3.  The amount of interest income received on obligations of any state, territory or possession of the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, located outside the state of Arizona, reduced, for tax years beginning from and after December 31, 1996, by the amount of any interest on indebtedness and other related expenses that were incurred or continued to purchase or carry those obligations and that are not otherwise deducted or subtracted in arriving at Arizona gross income.

4.  Annuity income received during the taxable year to the extent that the sum of the proceeds received from such annuity in all taxable years prior to and including the current taxable year exceeds the total consideration and premiums paid by the taxpayer.  This paragraph applies only to those annuities with respect to which the first payment was received prior to December 31, 1978.

5.  The excess of a partner's share of partnership taxable income required to be included under chapter 14, article 2 of this title over the income required to be reported under section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code.

6.  The excess of a partner's share of partnership losses determined pursuant to section 702(a)(8) of the internal revenue code over the losses allowable under chapter 14, article 2 of this title.

7.  The amount by which the adjusted basis of property described in this paragraph and computed pursuant to the internal revenue code exceeds the adjusted basis of such property computed pursuant to this title and the income tax act of 1954, as amended.  This paragraph shall apply to all property that is held for the production of income and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year, except depreciable property used in a trade or business.

8.  The amount of depreciation or amortization of costs of any capital investment that is deducted pursuant to section 167 or 179 of the internal revenue code by a qualified defense contractor with respect to which an election is made to amortize pursuant to section 43‑1024.

9.  The amount of gain from the sale or other disposition of a capital investment that a qualified defense contractor has elected to amortize pursuant to section 43‑1024.

10.  Amounts withdrawn from the Arizona state retirement system, the corrections officer retirement plan, the public safety personnel retirement system, the elected officials' retirement plan or a county or city retirement plan by an employee on termination of employment before retirement to the extent they were deducted in arriving at Arizona taxable income in any year.

11.  That portion of the net operating loss included in federal adjusted gross income that has already been taken as a net operating loss for Arizona purposes or that is separately taken as a subtraction under the special net operating loss transition rule.

12.  Any nonitemized amount deducted pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code representing contributions to an educational institution that denies admission, enrollment or board and room accommodations on the basis of race, color or ethnic background except those institutions primarily established for the education of American Indians.

13.  Amounts withdrawn from a medical savings account by the individual during the taxable year computed pursuant to section 220(f) of the internal revenue code and not included in federal adjusted gross income.

14.  Any amount of agricultural water conservation expenses that were deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1084.

15.  The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under section 43‑1080 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

16.  The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under section 43‑1080 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43‑1080.

17.  The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under either section 43‑1081 or 43‑1081.01 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

18.  The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under section 43‑1074.02, 43‑1081 or 43‑1081.01 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43‑1074.02, 43‑1081 or 43‑1081.01, as applicable.

19.  The deduction referred to in section 1341(a)(4) of the internal revenue code for restoration of a substantial amount held under a claim of right.

20.  The amount by which a net operating loss carryover or capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 1341(b)(5) of the internal revenue code exceeds the net operating loss carryover or capital loss carryover allowable pursuant to section 43‑1029, subsection F.

21.  Any amount deducted pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code representing contributions to a school tuition organization or a public school for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1089, 43‑1089.01, or 43‑1089.03 or 43-1089.04.

22.  Any amount deducted in computing Arizona gross income as expenses for installing solar stub outs or electric vehicle recharge outlets in this state with respect to which a credit is claimed pursuant to section 43‑1090.

23.  Any wage expenses deducted pursuant to the internal revenue code for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1087 and representing net increases in qualified employment positions for employment of temporary assistance for needy families recipients.

24.  Any amount deducted for conveying ownership or development rights of property to an agricultural preservation district under section 48‑5702 for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1081.02.

25.  The amount of any depreciation allowance allowed pursuant to section 167(a) of the internal revenue code to the extent not previously added.

26.  With respect to property for which an expense deduction was taken pursuant to section 179 of the internal revenue code in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 2013, the amount in excess of twenty‑five thousand dollars.

27.  The amount by which the depreciation or amortization computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was taken under section 43‑1090.01 exceeds the amount of depreciation or amortization computed pursuant to the internal revenue code on the Arizona adjusted basis of the property.

28.  The amount by which the adjusted basis computed under the internal revenue code with respect to property for which a credit was claimed under section 43‑1090.01 and that is sold or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year exceeds the adjusted basis of the property computed under section 43‑1090.01.

29.  The amount of a nonqualified withdrawal, as defined in section 15‑1871, from a college savings plan established pursuant to section 529 of the internal revenue code that is made to a distributee to the extent the amount is not included in computing federal adjusted gross income, except that the amount added under this paragraph shall not exceed the difference between the amount subtracted under section 43‑1022 in prior taxable years and the amount added under this section in any prior taxable years.

30.  The amount of unemployment compensation that is excluded from federal adjusted gross income pursuant to section 85(c) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1007 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5).

31.  The amount of discharge of indebtedness income that is deferred and excluded from the computation of federal adjusted gross income or federal taxable income in the current taxable year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5).

32.  The amount of any previously deferred original issue discount that was deducted in computing federal adjusted gross income or federal taxable income in the current year pursuant to section 108(i) of the internal revenue code as added by section 1231 of the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5), to the extent that the amount was previously subtracted from Arizona gross income pursuant to section 43‑1022, paragraph 31.

33.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2011 through December 31, 2014, the amount of any deduction that is claimed in computing federal adjusted gross income for health insurance premiums or contributions to a health savings account for which a credit is claimed under section 43‑1087.01 or 43‑1185. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Title 43, chapter 10, article 5, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 43-1089.04, to read:

START_STATUTE43-1089.04.  Pro rata tax credit for business contributions to school tuition organizations; definition

A.  A credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for the pro rata amount of contributions made by a business pursuant to section 43‑1183, subsection F or section 43-1184, subsection F, or both.  All other requirements of section 43-1183 or 43-1184 and the applicable sections of chapter 15 of this title must be met.

B.  Co-owners of a business may each claim the pro rata share of the credit allowed under sections 43-1183 and 43-1184 based on the taxpayer's ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all the owners of a business may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed a sole owner of a business.

C.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, the taxpayer may carry the amount of the claim not used to offset the taxes under this title forward for not more than five consecutive taxable years' income tax liability.

D.  The credit allowed by this section is in lieu of any deduction pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code and taken for state tax purposes.

E.  The tax credit is not allowed if the business designates the contribution to the school tuition organization for the direct benefit of any dependent of the taxpayer claiming a credit under this section or if the business designates a student beneficiary as a condition of the contribution to the school tuition organization.  The tax credit is not allowed if the business, with the intent to benefit the taxpayer's dependent, agrees with one or more other businesses or taxpayers to designate each contribution to the school tuition organization for the direct benefit of the other taxpayer's dependent.

F.  For the purposes of this section, "business" means an S corporation as defined in section 1361 of the internal revenue code. END_STATUTE

Sec. 4.  Section 43-1183, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1183.  Credit for contributions to school tuition organization

A.  Beginning from and after June 30, 2006, a credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for the amount of voluntary cash contributions made by the taxpayer during the taxable year to a school tuition organization that is certified pursuant to chapter 15 of this title at the time of donation.

B.  The amount of the credit is the total amount of the taxpayer's contributions for the taxable year under subsection A of this section and is preapproved by the department of revenue pursuant to subsection D of this section.

C.  The department of revenue:

1.  Shall not allow tax credits under this section and section 20‑224.06 that exceed in the aggregate a combined total of ten million dollars in any fiscal year.  Beginning in fiscal year 2007‑2008, the aggregate dollar amount of the tax credit cap from the previous fiscal year shall be annually increased by twenty per cent.

2.  Shall preapprove tax credits under this section and section 20‑224.06 subject to subsection D of this section.

3.  Shall allow the tax credits under this section and section 20‑224.06 on a first come, first served basis.

D.  For the purposes of subsection C, paragraph 2 of this section, before making a contribution to a school tuition organization, the taxpayer under this title or title 20 must notify the school tuition organization of the total amount of contributions that the taxpayer intends to make to the school tuition organization.  Before accepting the contribution, the school tuition organization shall request preapproval from the department of revenue for the taxpayer's intended contribution amount.  The department of revenue shall preapprove or deny the requested amount within twenty days after receiving the request from the school tuition organization.  If the department of revenue preapproves the request, the school tuition organization shall immediately notify the taxpayer, and the department of insurance in the case of a credit under section 20‑224.06, that the requested amount was preapproved by the department of revenue.  In order to receive a tax credit under this subsection, the taxpayer shall make the contribution to the school tuition organization within twenty days after receiving notice from the school tuition organization that the requested amount was preapproved.  If the school tuition organization does not receive the preapproved contribution from the taxpayer within the required twenty days, the school tuition organization shall immediately notify the department of revenue, and the department of insurance in the case of a credit under section 20‑224.06, and the department of revenue shall no longer include this preapproved contribution amount when calculating the limit prescribed in subsection C, paragraph 1 of this section.

E.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, the taxpayer may carry the amount of the claim not used to offset the taxes under this title forward for not more than five consecutive taxable years' income tax liability.

F.  Co-owners of a business, including corporate partners in a partnership and stockholders of an S corporation as defined in section 1361 of the internal revenue code, may each claim only the pro rata share of the credit allowed under this section based on the ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all such owners may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed a sole owner.

G.  The credit allowed by this section is in lieu of any deduction pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code and taken for state tax purposes.

H.  A taxpayer shall not claim a credit under this section and also under section 43‑1184 with respect to the same contribution.

I.  The tax credit is not allowed if the taxpayer designates the taxpayer's contribution to the school tuition organization for the direct benefit of any specific student.

J.  The department of revenue, with the cooperation of the department of insurance, shall adopt rules and publish and prescribe forms and procedures necessary for the administration of this section. END_STATUTE

Sec. 5.  Section 43-1184, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1184.  Credit for contributions to school tuition organization; displaced students; students with disabilities

A.  Beginning from and after June 30, 2009, a credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by this title for the amount of voluntary cash contributions made by the taxpayer during the taxable year to a school tuition organization that is certified pursuant to chapter 15 of this title at the time of donation.

B.  The amount of the credit is the total amount of the taxpayer's contributions for the taxable year under subsection A of this section and is preapproved by the department of revenue pursuant to subsection D of this section.

C.  The department of revenue:

1.  Shall not allow tax credits under this section and section 20‑224.07 that exceed in the aggregate a combined total of five million dollars in any fiscal year.

2.  Shall preapprove tax credits under this section and section 20‑224.07 subject to subsection D of this section.

3.  Shall allow the tax credits under this section and section 20‑224.07 on a first come, first served basis.

D.  For the purposes of subsection C, paragraph 2 of this section, before making a contribution to a school tuition organization, the taxpayer under this title or title 20 must notify the school tuition organization of the total amount of contributions that the taxpayer intends to make to the school tuition organization.  Before accepting the contribution, the school tuition organization shall request preapproval from the department of revenue for the taxpayer's intended contribution amount.  The department of revenue shall preapprove or deny the requested amount within twenty days after receiving the request from the school tuition organization.  If the department of revenue preapproves the request, the school tuition organization shall immediately notify the taxpayer that the requested amount was preapproved by the department of revenue.  In order to receive a tax credit under this subsection, the taxpayer shall make the contribution to the school tuition organization within twenty days after receiving notice from the school tuition organization that the requested amount was preapproved.  If the school tuition organization does not receive the preapproved contribution from the taxpayer within the required twenty days, the school tuition organization shall immediately notify the department of revenue and the department shall no longer include this preapproved contribution amount when calculating the limit prescribed in subsection C, paragraph 1 of this section.

E.  If the allowable tax credit exceeds the taxes otherwise due under this title on the claimant's income, or if there are no taxes due under this title, the taxpayer may carry the amount of the claim not used to offset the taxes under this title forward for not more than five consecutive taxable years' income tax liability.

F.  Co-owners of a business, including corporate partners in a partnership and stockholders of an S corporation as defined in section 1361 of the internal revenue code, may each claim only the pro rata share of the credit allowed under this section based on the ownership interest.  The total of the credits allowed all such owners may not exceed the amount that would have been allowed a sole owner.

G.  The credit allowed by this section is in lieu of any deduction pursuant to section 170 of the internal revenue code and taken for state tax purposes.

H.  A taxpayer shall not claim a credit under this section and also under section 43‑1183 with respect to the same contribution.

I.  The tax credit is not allowed if the taxpayer designates the taxpayer's contribution to the school tuition organization for the direct benefit of any specific student.

J.  The department of revenue shall adopt rules necessary for the administration of this section. END_STATUTE

Sec. 6.  Section 43-1503, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1503.  Operational requirements for school tuition organizations

A.  A certified school tuition organization must be established to receive contributions from taxpayers for the purposes of income tax credits under sections 43‑1183 and 43‑1184 and insurance premium tax credits under sections 20‑224.06 and 20‑224.07 and to pay educational scholarships or tuition grants to allow students to attend any qualified school of their parents' or custodians' choice.

B.  To be eligible for certification and retain certification, the school tuition organization:

1.  Must allocate at least ninety per cent of its annual revenue from contributions made for the purposes of sections 20‑224.06, 20‑224.07, 43‑1183 and 43‑1184 for educational scholarships or tuition grants.

2.  Shall not limit the availability of educational scholarships or tuition grants to only students of one school.

3.  Must allow the department of revenue to verify that the educational scholarships and tuition grants that are issued are awarded to students who attend a qualified school.

4.  Must not knowingly collude with any other school tuition organization to circumvent the limits of section 43-1504, subsection C.

5.  Must not award educational scholarships or tuition grants to students who are simultaneously enrolled in a district school or charter school and a qualified school.END_STATUTE

Sec. 7.  Section 43-1603, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE43-1603.  Operational requirements for school tuition organizations; notice; qualified schools

A.  A certified school tuition organization must be established to receive contributions from taxpayers for the purposes of income tax credits under sections 43‑1089 and 43‑1089.03 and to pay educational scholarships or tuition grants to allow students to attend any qualified school of their parents' choice.

B.  To be eligible for certification and retain certification, the school tuition organization:

1.  Must allocate at least ninety per cent of its annual revenue from contributions made for the purposes of sections 43‑1089 and 43‑1089.03 for educational scholarships or tuition grants.

2.  Shall not limit the availability of educational scholarships or tuition grants to only students of one school.

3.  May allow donors to recommend student beneficiaries, but shall not award, designate or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of donor recommendations.

4.  Shall not allow donors to designate student beneficiaries as a condition of any contribution to the organization, or facilitate, encourage or knowingly permit the exchange of beneficiary student designations in violation of section 43‑1089, subsection F.

5.  Must not award educational scholarships or tuition grants to students who are simultaneously enrolled in a district school or charter school and a qualified school.

C.  A school tuition organization shall include the following notice in any printed materials soliciting donations, in applications for scholarships and on its website:


A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of a donor's recommendation.

A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer's own dependent.

D.  In evaluating applications and awarding, designating or reserving scholarships, a school tuition organization:

1.  Shall not award, designate or reserve a scholarship solely on the recommendation of any person contributing money to the organization, but may consider the recommendation among other factors.

2.  Shall consider the financial need of applicants.

E.  A taxpayer's contribution to a school tuition organization that exceeds the amount of the credit allowed by section 43‑1089 but does not exceed the amount of the credit allowed by section 43‑1089.03 is considered a contribution pursuant to section 43‑1089.03.  A school tuition organization must use at least ninety per cent of contributions made pursuant to section 43‑1089.03 for educational scholarships or tuition grants for students to whom any of the following applies:

1.  Attended a governmental primary or secondary school as a full-time student as defined in section 15‑901 or attended a preschool program that offers services to students with disabilities at a governmental school for at least ninety days of the prior fiscal year and transferred from a governmental school to a qualified school.

2.  Enrolls in a qualified school in a kindergarten program or a preschool program that offers services to students with disabilities.

3.  Is the dependent of a member of the armed forces of the United States who is stationed in this state pursuant to military orders.

4.  Received an educational scholarship or tuition grant under paragraph 1, 2 or 3 of this subsection or under chapter 15 of this title if the student continues to attend a qualified school in a subsequent year.

F.  In awarding educational scholarships or tuition grants from contributions made pursuant to section 43‑1089.03, a school tuition organization shall give priority to students and siblings of students on a waiting list for scholarships if the school tuition organization maintains a waiting list.

G.  If an individual educational scholarship or tuition grant exceeds the school's total cost of educating that student, the amount in excess shall be returned to the school tuition organization that made the award or grant.  The school tuition organization may allocate the returned monies as a multiyear award for that student and report the award pursuant to section 43‑1604, paragraph 5, subdivision (b) or may allocate the returned monies for educational scholarships or tuition grants for other students. END_STATUTE

Sec. 8.  Purpose

Pursuant to section 43-223, Arizona Revised Statutes, the legislature enacts section 43-1089.04, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act, to provide an individual credit for contributions made by a business to school tuition organizations.

Sec. 9.  Retroactivity

This act is effective and applies retroactively to taxable years from and after December 31, 2013.