REFERENCE TITLE: technology-based language development software




State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-first Legislature

Second Regular Session




HB 2485


Introduced by

Representatives Gray, Borrelli, Boyer, Cardenas, Escamilla, Forese, Gowan, Mendez, Steele, Thorpe, Senators Ableser, Begay, Pancrazi, Tovar: Representatives Coleman, Contreras, Mitchell, Orr, Pierce J, Quezada, Shope, Senators Driggs, Farley, Hobbs, Melvin, Meza





amending Title 15, chapter 2, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 15-216; making appropriations; relating to the state board of education.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Title 15, chapter 2, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 15-216, to read:

START_STATUTE15-216.  K‑6 technology-based language development and literacy intervention; educational technology provider; audit; annual report

A.  The state board of education shall submit a request for proposals to educational technology providers for the delivery of language development and literacy software to be made available to all pupils in kindergarten and grades one through six in this state who are identified as english language learners.

B.  The state board shall establish the format of the applications, application procedures and selection criteria.  The state board shall select and award a contract to one educational technology provider to deliver technology-based language development and literacy intervention pursuant to this section.  The state board shall distribute monies appropriated for this purpose to the selected provider.

C.  The technology-based language development and literacy intervention software for English Language Learners must differentiate instruction for each pupil and meet all of the following requirements:

1.  Include instruction individualized to teach each pupil the following five strands of literacy:

(a)  Phonics.

(b)  Phonemic Awareness.

(c)  Vocabulary.

(d)  Comprehension.

(e)  Fluency.

2.  Have components that are created for and aligned to the Arizona College and Career-Ready Standards.  The software must correlate to the Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards.

3.  Contain internal assessments, checkpoints, tracking and reports for teachers, administrators and parents. 

4.  Be used to address varied learner needs and to assist teachers in tracking pupil growth toward important curricular goals.  The software must have tools and off‑line resources that enable teachers to more effectively meet the individual needs of each pupil.

5.  Provide immediate feedback to pupils and provide automatic remediation when needed.  The software must provide scaffolding through illustrations, front-loaded vocabulary, audio support, interactive glossary words, instructional feedback, strategic questions and adaptive content that provides extra practice as needed.

6.  Include grade appropriate digital books with literature text and informational text.  Pupils must be able to practice reading on the computer by recording readings and comparing those readings to the reading model.

7.  Provide implicit and explicit instruction.  The software must teach the core areas of listening and reading comprehension, including intertextual comprehension, so that pupils are prepared for the Arizona College and Career‑Ready Standards.

8.  Teach pupils academic vocabulary using real and virtual experience and visuals to introduce vocabulary.  The vocabulary must be related to core content areas and provide additional language development activities for those pupils requiring this assistance.

9.  Teach Basic Interpersonal communicative skills and cognitive Academic Language Proficiency and assess a pupil's understanding of each. 

D.  The educational Technology Provider selected pursuant to subsection B of this section must have experience with large statewide implementations and the ability to support a statewide level of implementation.  The Technology Provider must submit evidence of pupil progress on an annual basis. 

E.  The auditor general shall conduct annual financial audits of the results of the delivery of technology‑based language development and literacy intervention for English language learners through software provided pursuant to this section.

F.  Beginning in 2016, The state board of education shall submit an annual report on or before June 30 to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate regarding the delivery of technology‑based language development and literacy intervention for English language learners through software provided pursuant to this section.  The report must include information on the number of school districts, charter schools and pupils who participate in the intervention.  The state board of education shall submit a copy of this report to the secretary of state. END_STATUTE

Sec. 2.  Appropriations; K-6 technology‑based language development and literary intervention

The sum of $12,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in each fiscal years 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 to the state board of education for the purpose of providing payment to the educational technology provider selected by the state board pursuant to section 15‑216, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act.