Conference Engrossed




State of Arizona


Forty-fifth Legislature

First Regular Session













amending sections 15-763 and 15-1201, Arizona Revised Statutes; amending Laws 2001, chapter 236, sections 26 and 31; relating to education.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 15-763, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-763.  Plan for providing special education

A.  All school districts and charter schools shall develop policies and procedures for providing special education to all children with disabilities within the district or charter school.  All children with disabilities shall receive special education programming commensurate with their abilities and needs. Each child shall be ensured access to the general curriculum and an opportunity to meet the state's academic standards. Special education services shall be provided at no cost to the parents of children with disabilities.


C.  If federal monies are provided to a school district or a charter school for special education services to home schooled or private schooled pupils, The school district or charter school shall provide the services to both the home schooled pupils and the private schooled pupils in the same manner.


Sec. 2.  Section 15-1201, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE15-1201.  Definitions

In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:

1.  "Fund" means the special education fund established by section 15‑1182.

2.  "Institution" means the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind, the Arizona training program facilities as provided in section 36-551 and the Arizona state hospital.

3.  "Place" or "placement" means placement of a person in an institution, as defined in this section, for special education only or for special education and residential and custodial care.

4.  "Special education" means the adjustment of the environmental factors, modification of the course of study and adaptation of teaching methods, materials and techniques to provide educationally for those children who are at least three but not more than twenty-one years of age and who are gifted or disabled to such an extent that they do not profit from the regular course of study or need special education services in order to profit.  Difficulty in writing, speaking or understanding the English language due to an environmental background in which a language other than English is spoken primarily or exclusively shall not be considered a sufficient handicap to require special education.END_STATUTE

Sec. 3.  Laws 2001, chapter 236, section 26 is amended to read:


                                                    2001-02         2002-03

Phoenix day school for the deaf

FTE positions                               175.2           184.7

Lump sum appropriation               $  7,643,200    $  8,191,900

Fund sources:

State general fund                   $  2,330,000    $  2,296,000

Arizona schools for the deaf

||and the blind fund                 $  5,313,200    $  5,895,900

Tucson campus

FTE positions                               303.9           309.4

Lump sum appropriation               $ 14,692,400    $ 15,402,100

Fund sources:

State general fund                   $  9,263,300    $  9,496,600

Arizona schools for the deaf

  and the blind fund                 $  5,429,100    $  5,905,500

Administration/statewide programs

FTE positions                               129.3           129.3

Lump sum appropriation               $  7,334,200    $  7,503,100

Fund sources:

State general fund                   $  7,132,600    $  7,291,900

                                     $  6,016,100    $  6,087,600

Arizona schools for the deaf

  and the blind fund                 $    201,600    $    211,200

                                     $  1,318,100    $  1,415,500

Total appropriation – Arizona state schools

for the deaf and the blind           $ 29,669,800    $ 31,097,100

Fund sources:

State general fund                   $ 18,725,900    $ 19,084,500

                                     $ 17,609,400    $ 17,880,200

Arizona schools for the deaf

  and the blind fund                 $ 10,943,900    $ 12,012,600

                                     $ 12,060,400    $ 13,216,900

Performance measures:

Parents rating overall quality of services

   as "good" or "excellent" based on annual

   survey                                                90              90

Per cent of certified positions filled                   95              95

Per cent of agency staff turnover                        11               8

Per cent of MDSSI students at or above

   "approaches standards" level on the

   AIMS–A test                                          100             100

Per cent of students achieving a year's growth

   in a year's time in reading and mathematics           75              75

Administration as a per cent of total cost              4.2             4.0

Before the expenditure of any Arizona schools for the deaf and the blind fund nonendowment monies in excess of $10,600,000 $11,716,500 in fiscal year 2001‑2002 and $11,643,400 $12,847,700 in fiscal year 2002-2003, the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind shall report the intended use of the funds to the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the chairmen of the house and senate appropriations committees, the directors of the joint legislative budget committee and the governor's office of strategic planning and budgeting.

All endowment earnings above $343,900 in fiscal year 2001-2002 and $369,200 in fiscal year 2002-2003 that are received by the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind and deposited into the Arizona schools for the deaf and the blind fund are appropriated for operating expenditures.

Before the expenditure of any recommended monies for classification salary adjustments in fiscal year 2001-2002 or fiscal year 2002-2003, the Arizona state schools for the deaf and the blind shall report the intended use of the funds to the joint legislative budget committee.

Sec. 4.  Laws 2001, chapter 236, section 31 is amended to read:


                                                    2001-02         2002-03

State board of education and state board

||for vocational and technological


FTE positions                                2.0             2.0

Operating lump sum appropriation     $    276,400    $    276,500

The appropriated amount includes $100,000 for administering a survey each academic year to a random sample of parents of children in public schools statewide. The survey shall consist of the following question: "Students are given the grades A+, A, B, C, D and Fail to denote the quality of their work.  Using the same A+, A, B, C, D and Fail scale, what grade would you give the school that your oldest child attends?"

The state board of education program may establish its own strategic plan separate from that of the department of education and based on its own separate mission, goals and performance measures.

FTE positions – Arizona teacher

  evaluation                                  2.0             2.0

Arizona teacher evaluation                201,000         201,100

FTE positions – career ladder

  administration                              1.0             1.0

Career ladder administration               85,000          85,000

FTE positions – certification

  investigations                              4.0             4.0

Certification investigations              225,000         225,000

FTE positions – charter schools               4.0             4.0

Charter schools                           205,000         205,000

FTE positions – teacher

  certification                              21.0            21.0

Teacher certification                     984,800         985,000

Fund source:

Teacher certification fund            $   984,800    $    985,000

Monies collected by the department of education for teacher certification fees, as authorized by section 15-531, paragraphs 1 and 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, shall be deposited in a teacher certification fund for use in funding costs of the teacher certification program.

Total – state board of education               $  1,977,200    $  1,977,600

Fund sources:

State general fund                  $    992,400    $    992,600

Teacher certification fund               984,800         985,000

Performance measures:

Average number of days to process

   applications for certification services               30              30

Increased percentage of customers satisfied

   with certification services above the

   fiscal year 2000-2001 percentage                      +1              +2

General services administration

FTE positions                               110.4           110.4

Operating lump sum appropriation     $  6,667,300    $  6,665,200

At least 1 FTE position from the department's operating budget shall be used for auditing average daily membership counts from school districts and charter schools.

FTE positions - achievement testing           3.0              3.0

Achievement testing                     5,477,500       5,940,000

The appropriated amount includes $1,906,200 for fiscal year 2001-2002 and $2,088,400 for fiscal year 2002-2003 for norm-referenced testing of pupils in grades one through nine.

Before making any changes to the achievement testing program that will affect program costs, the state board of education shall report the estimated fiscal impact of those changes to the joint legislative budget committee.

FTE positions - charter schools

||administration                              3.0             3.0

Charter schools administration            149,700         149,800

FTE positions - special education

||audit                                       2.5             2.5

Special education audit                   321,000         321,000

Total ‑ general services

    administration                       $ 12,615,500    $ 13,076,000

Performance measures:

Per cent of school report cards available

   in hard copy and on the agency's web site             20              25

Total cost of administration                   $  4,300,000    $  4,700,000

Per cent difference between the average

   daily membership (ADM) statewide total

   reported as of March 1st each year versus

   the year-end actual total as compared

   with the per cent difference observed

   for fiscal year 2000-2001:                             

   -- Charter schools                                    -1              -2

   -- School districts                                   -1              -2

Increased percentage of customers satisfied

   with the agency above the fiscal year

   2000-2001 percentage                                  +1              +1

Assistance to schools

Basic state aid entitlement        $2,363,019,000  $2,495,844,800

Fund sources:

State general fund                 $2,288,120,700  $2,420,946,500

Permanent state school fund            74,898,300      74,898,300

The above appropriation provides basic state support to school districts for maintenance and operations funding as provided by section 15‑973, Arizona Revised Statutes, and includes an estimated $74,898,300 per year in expendable income derived from the permanent state school fund for fiscal year 2001-2002 and fiscal year 2002-2003.

Receipts derived from the permanent state school fund and any other nonstate general fund revenue source that is dedicated to fund basic state aid will be expended, whenever possible, before expenditure of state general fund monies.

All monies received during the fiscal year from national forests, interest collected on deferred payments on the purchase of state lands, the income from the investment of permanent funds as prescribed by the enabling act and the constitution and all monies received by the superintendent of public instruction from whatever source, except monies received pursuant to sections 15‑237 and 15-531, Arizona Revised Statutes, when paid into the state treasury are appropriated for apportionment to the various counties in accordance with law.  No expenditures may be made except as specifically authorized above.

Additional state aid to schools       219,581,000     230,103,900

Assistance to school districts for

||children of state employees              35,200          36,900

Certificates of educational

||convenience                             859,700         895,200

Special education fund                 22,848,700      25,117,000

                                       23,965,200      26,321,300

FTE positions - adult education

||assistance                                  5.8             5.8

Adult education assistance              4,588,600       4,588,700

The appropriated amount is for classes in adult basic education, general education development and citizenship on a statewide basis.

It is the intent of the legislature that no more than ten per cent of the appropriation for adult education assistance be used by the department of education for operating the division of adult education.  It is also the intent of the legislature that the greatest possible proportion of monies appropriated for adult education programs be devoted to instructional, rather than administrative, aspects of the programs.

           AIMS intervention; dropout

            prevention                              550,000         550,000

FTE positions - chemical abuse                3.0             3.0

Chemical abuse                           863,400         863,500

Extended school year                      500,000         500,000

Extraordinary special education

  needs fund                            1,000,000       1,083,800

The department of education shall report annually to the joint legislative budget committee regarding allocations distributed from the extraordinary special education fund.

FTE positions – family literacy               1.0             1.0

Family literacy                         1,000,000         999,700

          FTE positions - gifted support                2.0             2.0

Gifted support                          1,296,700       1,296,800

Optional performance incentive

   programs                               120,000         120,000

The optional performance incentive program shall be limited to schools currently performing ranking performance pay.

Parental choice for reading success     1,000,000       1,000,000

Residential placement                     100,000         100,000

FTE positions – school accountability        14.0            14.0

School accountability                   5,849,000       4,586,800

Fund sources:

State general fund – dedicated

    proposition 301 fund               $5,849,000      $4,586,800

FTE positions - school report cards           3.0             3.0

School report cards                       491,000         491,000

FTE positions – school safety program         3.0             3.0

School safety program                   7,915,800       7,915,900

Small pass-through programs               581,600         581,600

The appropriated amounts for both fiscal year 2001-2002 and fiscal year 2002-2003 include $50,000 for the academic contest fund, $82,400 for academic decathlon, $50,000 for Arizona geographic alliance, $40,000 for Arizona humanities council, $25,200 for Arizona principals' academy, $234,000 for Arizona school service through education technology, $50,000 for project citizen and $50,000 for the economic academic council.

FTE positions - state block grant             5.7             5.7

State block grant for early

  childhood education                  19,492,600      19,492,700

FTE positions - state block grant            34.3            34.3

State block grant for vocational

||education                            11,117,000      11,117,500

The appropriated amount is for block grants to charter schools and school districts that have vocational education programs.  It is the intent of the legislature that monies appropriated in the fiscal year 2001-2002 and fiscal year 2002-2003 general appropriations act for the state block grant for vocational education be used to promote improved student achievement by providing vocational education programs with flexible supplemental funding that is linked both to numbers of students in such programs and to numbers of program completers who enter jobs in fields directly related to the vocational education program that they completed.  It is the intent of the legislature that the amount of the state block grant for vocational education funding that is used for state level administration of the program be limited to no more than the amount used for such costs during the prior fiscal year plus the applicable amount of any pay raise that may be provided for state employees through legislative appropriation.

Vocational education extended

year                                  600,000         600,000

Total - assistance to schools         $2,663,409,300   $2,807,885,800

                                            $2,664,525,800   $2,809,090,100

Fund sources:

State general fund                $2,582,662,000  $2,728,400,700

                                             $2,583,778,500  $2,729,605,000

State general fund – dedicated

    proposition 301 fund           $    5,849,000  $    4,586,800

Permanent state school fund            74,898,300      74,898,300

      Performance measures:

Per cent of students tested who perform

   at or above the national norm on the

   Stanford 9 test                                       54              55

Per cent of students in the class of

   2002 meeting state academic standards

   in reading, writing and math                          96             N/A

Increased percentage of schools with at

   least 75 per cent of students meeting

   or exceeding standards in reading,

   writing and math above the fiscal

   year 2001-2002 percentage                             +1              +2

Increased percentage of students who

   enter 9th grade and graduate within

   four years above the fiscal year

   2001-2002 percentage                                  +1              +2

Per cent of students in grade 3 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in reading                                            74              76

Per cent of students in grade 3 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in writing                                            71              73

Per cent of students in grade 3 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in math                                               52              54

Per cent of students in grade 5 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in reading                                            68              70

Per cent of students in grade 5 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in writing                                            50              52

Per cent of students in grade 5 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in math                                               43              45

Per cent of students in grade 8 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in reading                                            56              58

Per cent of students in grade 8 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in writing                                            52              54

Per cent of students in grade 8 meeting

   or exceeding state academic standards

   in math                                               20              25

Per cent of students tested                              94              95

Per cent of parents who rate "A+" the public

   school that their oldest school-age child

   attends                                              8.0             8.0

Total appropriation ‑ state board of

education and superintendent

of public instruction              $2,678,002,000  $2,822,939,400

                                   $2,679,118,500  $2,824,143,700

Fund sources:

State general fund                 $2,596,269,900  $2,742,469,300

                                   $2,597,386,400  $2,743,673,600

State general fund – dedicated

    proposition 301 fund           $    5,849,000  $    4,586,800

Permanent state school fund            74,898,300      74,898,300

Teacher certification fund                984,800         985,000

Performance measures:

Per cent of students tested who perform

   at or above the national norm on the

   Stanford 9 test                                       54              55

Per cent of students tested                              94              95

Per cent of parents who rate "A+" the public

   school that their oldest school-age child

   attends                                              8.0             8.0

Per cent of agency staff turnover                        19              18

Administration as a per cent of total cost              0.2             0.2

Total cost of administration                   $  4,300,000    $  4,700,000