41-1012. Code; publication of rules; notification

A. The code shall contain the full text of each final, expedited and emergency rule filed with the secretary of state and each exempt rule filed with the secretary of state to be published pursuant to a statutory exemption from the applicability of this chapter. The secretary of state shall remove each expired rule as prescribed in section 41-1011, subsection C.

B. The secretary of state shall electronically publish at least once every quarter a code supplement. Publication of a rule by the secretary of state as provided in this section constitutes prima facie evidence of the making, approving and filing of a final, emergency or exempt rule pursuant to this chapter or a statutory exemption from the applicability of this chapter.

C. The secretary of state shall offer an e-mail service for persons to receive notification when a quarterly supplement has been published. The service shall include a list of chapters published and where the chapters are posted.

D. The secretary of state shall publish the code electronically for free. The secretary of state shall establish a commercial use fee pursuant to section 39-121.03.  The secretary of state shall honor any paper subscription in place by the end of fiscal year 2017-2018 until the subscription expires.