
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2099CADOT licenses; authorized presence repeal
HB2172Cmedical assistance requests; evidence; mitigation
HB2252Crural school employees; tuition waiver
HB2327Crepeal; right to work.
HB2328Ccorporate income tax rate; freeze
HB2347Cemployment omnibus
HB2378Cdispensing opticians; repeal of regulation
HB2391Cappropriation; JTEDs; 9th grade
HB2393Cnoncertificated school employees; due process
HB2407Cappropriation; counties; essential services
HB2414Cwage disclosure; employee rights
HB2425Cappropriation; highway user revenue fund
HB2426Ccommunity health workers; voluntary certification.
HB2427Cmisconduct involving weapons; firearm storage
HB2428Cprisoners; earned release credits
HB2442CAHCCCS; dental care; pregnant women
HB2446Ccontracting; investments; prohibition; border wall
HB2453Cschools; prohibited courses; repeal
HB2474Cveterans; mental health courts; establishment
HB2478CTPT; Indian tribes; motor vehicles
HB2479CAHCCCS; waivers; tribal exemptions
HB2487Clottery distributions; teacher salary increases
HB2489P*online impersonation; offense
HB2490P*liquor licenses; municipalities; disapproval
HB2491P*uranium; radioactive materials; transportation
HB2502Cjoint select commission on corrections.
HB2503Ccriminal justice commission; membership; report.
HB2505Cappropriation; adult protective services
HB2519Cappropriation; child care subsidy program
HCM2004Curging Congress; affordable care act
HCM2009P*veterans; job recruitment; urging Congress
HCM2010P*FEMA recovery policy; urging Congress
HCR2012Cratification; equal rights amendment
HCR2015Cright to work; repeal.
HCR2016Ccare enough; get in way
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
HCR2024CLatina-owned businesses; support
SB1469Clottery game; schools; capital assistance
SB1472Cmemorial; veteran diversity
SCR1006Cdeath resolution; M. Lee Allison
SCR1007Cdeath resolution; John Hays
SCR1008Cdeath resolution; Rick Lavis
SCR1029COscar de los Santos; recognition