
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2091P*TANF; SNAP; finger imaging; repeal
HB2127P*auditor general; special investigative unit
HB2128P*JLAC: auditor general
HB2133Ccorrectional facilities; community notification
HB2226Ccompact; balanced budget; convention
HB2227Clegislators; mileage rate
HB2368Coxygenated fuel standards; formula.
HB2369Crepeal; state boards and committees
HB2378Cdispensing opticians; repeal of regulation
HB2394P*empowerment scholarships; expansion; phase-in.
HB2403Cclean elections; contributions prohibited
HB2423Cparents' rights; DCS website information
HB2433Cincome tax subtraction; veterans' pensions
HB2458Cemployee donations; school districts
HB2460Cdental board; teeth-whitening services
HB2462Cemployment agents; unlawful practices
HB2477Ccivil forfeiture; report information; remedies
HB2495Cconsolidated election dates; tax authorization
HB2516Cone-year property tax assessments
HB2525Cprohibition; photo radar
HB2528Cindex exemptions; unused tax credits
HB2536PZ*appointment; ombudsman-citizens aide.
HCM2003Curging EPA, Congress; nuclear power
HCR2010Capplication; Article V convention
HCR2013Cconvention; balanced federal budget
HCR2021Csuicide prevention month
HCR2022Cbalanced budget convention; delegates
HCR2031Cdeath resolution; Sharon Giese
HR2003CArizona aerospace day
SB1020Ccontractors; qualifying party experience; bonds
SB1130Chairstylist licenses; cosmetology
SB1132Camateur radio operator special plates
SB1134Cpharmacy board; required permitting; violation
SB1155Ccorrectional facilities; community notification.
SB1278Cfelony pretrial intervention programs; appropriation
SB1279Cspecial sentencing provisions; unlawful presence
SB1281Cempowerment scholarship accounts; revisions
SB1282Cteachers; performance pay; evaluations
SB1366Cpeace officer; victim; aggravating factor
SB1367Cabortion; live delivery; report; definition
SB1431Cempowerment scholarships; expansion; phase-in
SB1439Cend-of-life; discrimination; prohibition
SCM1007CAmerican-Islamic Council; suspending contact
SCR1002Capplication; Article V convention.
SCR1006Cdeath resolution; M. Lee Allison
SCR1007Cdeath resolution; John Hays
SCR1008Cdeath resolution; Rick Lavis
SCR1027Cstate senators; four-year terms
SCR1034Cdeath resolution; Eleanor Ann Day