
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Scottsdale
Occupation: Talk Show Host
Member Since: 2015
Jay Lawrence was elected to the House of Representatives in November of 2014. He proudly represents Legislative District 23 which includes Fountain Hills, Scottsdale and Rio Verde. Jay was born in Chicago but has lived in Scottsdale for nearly 30 years. For 26 of those years he was a talk show host at KTAR radio. When asked why he decided to run for office he said "I got tired of talking about everything that needed to be done and decided I should do something about the conservative principles I had been championing on air."

Lawrence's broadcast background is a virtual tour of our great country, and includes stops in Los Angeles, New York, Cleveland, Boston, Peoria, and Evansville. He has also been a licensed Realtor here in Arizona for more than two decades.

Jay is a constitutional conservative who is leading the effort to restore our liberties, repeal Common Core and replace it with high Arizona standards, and be a faithful steward of our tax dollars.

Jay is a veteran of our United States Air Force and is a member of the House Veteran's Caucus.

Jay's companion on his journey is his wife Judith, whom he has known for most of his adult life. Judy has spent much of her life in the music business, which is how she met a young disc jockey named Jay Lawrence. They continue to make beautiful music together to this very day.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2003Ccounty school superintendent; college degree
HB2004Pcourt dispositions; searchable public records
HB2005Ctax abatement; no parcel number
HB2039Celection of judges; terms; salary
HB2041Pnewspapers; public notice publication
HB2042Cnunchaku prohibition; repeal
HB2043Clegal tender exchange; tax exclusion
HB2051Ccatastrophic public nuisance; determination; abatement
HB2057Crepeal; JTED funding reductions
HB2065P*schools; vision screening program
(NOW: vision screening programs; schools)
HB2066P*schools; daily physical activity; policy
HB2067P*county school superintendents; qualifications
HB2108Cschools; CPR instruction
HB2154Cfailure to appear; arrest; fingerprinting
HB2191Preal estate; fund; prosecutor
(NOW: employee scheduling; preemption)
HB2193Cregionally accredited institutions; special plates
HB2194Cwomen veteran special plates
HB2199P*unlawful use; booking photos; information
HB2200P*mobile home parks; use change
HB2201Csovereign authority; commandeering; prohibition; exception
HB2203Cschools; partisan instruction prohibited
HB2218Cinsurance; estimated cost of services
HB2220Cfirearms; state preemption; independent contractors
HB2221Cattorney regulation; assessments; membership dues
HB2223P*prohibited money transfers; information sharing
HB2224P*private firearm transactions; prohibited encumbrances
HB2225P*radiologic technology; out-of-state licensed practitioners
HB2241Cteenage drivers; communication devices prohibited
HB2246P*animal cruelty; adequate shelter
HB2260Cfoster care review board; continuation
HB2266Cdurable medical equipment suppliers; requirements
HB2299Cclass six property; elderly homeowners.
HB2300Cfirearms; prohibited governmental activities
HB2309Cchildren's health insurance program
HB2310Cbiological products; prescription orders
HB2323CNative American veterans; tax refund
HB2338Ceducational institutions; firearms; rights-of-way
HB2350Coccupational disease; post-traumatic stress disorder
(NOW: traumatic events counseling)
HB2351Pelected official; contempt; jury trial
HB2352Cteachers; human trafficking; continuing education
HB2355Copioid antagonists; prescription; dispensing; administration
HB2389CDCS; backlog cases; private contractors.
HB2446Cprohibited weapon; definition; exclusions
(NOW: prohibited weapon; exclusions; definition)
HB2448Caudits; accountants; reciprocity privilege
HB2449Ctaxation; self-reported errors; injured spouses
HB2456Cnational popular vote; interstate agreement
HB2467Cfiduciary access to digital assets
HB2468Cinternet crimes against children; appropriation
HB2508CJTED funding reductions; repeal.
HB2514Crestricted vehicle use; DUI; repeal
(NOW: restricted vehicle use; DUI; exemption)
HB2517Cbusinesses; professions; regulation restrictions
HB2519Cseparating service members; professional licenses
HB2520Cprofessional licensure; reciprocity; military spouses
HB2524Cuniform firearms transfer compact
HB2526Canimal control; mandatory impound periods
HB2528Cpersonal care products; plastic microbeads
HB2536Cfine art; TPT exemption
HB2542Cschools; instructional materials; review
HB2547Cuniversities; in-state tuition; AmeriCorps.
HB2551P*schools; bonds; overrides; funding sources
HB2554P*veterans court; establishment; mandatory referrals
HB2577Crailroads; crew requirements
HB2585Cnational monuments; justification; litigation
HB2606Cappropriation; highway user revenue fund
HB2610CIndian nations; tribes; legislative day
HB2613Cregulatory boards; licensing; revisions
HB2617CIsrael; boycotts; contracts; investments
HB2620Ceducation; certification renewal fees
HB2621Cveterans; state park; appropriation
(NOW: veterans; state park; study committee)
HB2640Cappropriation; pediatric neurological autoimmune disorders
HB2642P*JTED restoration and reforms.
HB2652Cindependent contractors; criteria
HB2653CK-3 reading program; administration
HB2665Ccharter schools; preference; foster children
HB2672Cunused school buildings; JTEDs; notification
HB2677Cpeace officer employment; study committee
HCM2002Cstate bar; rules; first amendment
HCM2003Ctransparency; state bar; member dues
HCM2006Ctoxic exposure; urging Congress
HCM2007Crailroad crews; urging corporation commission
HCM2009Curging Congress; American Legion; membership
HCM2010CRobert Levinson; release from Iran
HCM2011Curging Congress; safe freight act
HCR2018P*post-traumatic stress injury awareness day
HCR2019P*medical marijuana
HCR2036Cloyalty day
HCR2037Cearly childhood literacy; school monies
HCR2041Chuman trafficking awareness month
(NOW: corporation commission; distributed energy resources)
HCR2048Cdeath resolution; Honorable Jack Brown
HCR2049Cstate education board; membership; superintendents
HR2004Cdeath resolution; Laura Knaperek
SB1004Cgarden produce; regulatory exemption
SB1005Cprivate fund advisers; exemption
SB1006Cinstitutional investor; definition
SB1050Cfood producers; prohibited ordinances
SB1132Cexecutive clemency board; salary; duties
SB1137Cschools; CPR instruction.
SB1143Cinternet crimes against children; appropriation.
SB1156Cabsence of state elected officials
(NOW: state elected officials; absence; protection)
SB1157Csmall property tax balance delinquency
SB1160CCORP; reverse deferred retirement option
SB1210Cresource center fund; purposes
SB1211Cvictim compensation fund; allocations
SB1227Panimal cruelty; sentencing; bond
SB1235Cconsideration of property rights; zoning
SB1239Cschools; state seal of biliteracy
SB1257Cmisconduct involving weapons; public places
SB1258CJTED funding reductions; repeal
SB1267Cmilitary service; postsecondary academic credit
SB1379Cadoption; birth parent information; release
SB1381Pwine; direct shipment
SB1389Cstudent, teacher data collection; prohibitions.
SB1422Cboard of technical registration; omnibus
SB1428CPSPRS modifications
SB1429Cpublic retirement systems; special election
SB1438Ccomputer system; software; sale; lease
(NOW: software; computer system; sale; lease)
SB1474Chuman fetus; embryo; prohibited actions
SB1490Ctransportation funding; task force
SB1497Chomeowners' associations; board conflicts
SB1499Chomeowners' associations; managers; licensure; hearings
SB1524Cregulatory actions; limitation
SCR1019Cpublic retirement system benefits
SCR1021Pdeath resolution; Samuel L. Polito
SCR1022Cdeath resolution; Honorable Tony West
SCR1023CHonorable Tony West; death resolution
SR1002Chonoring the Phoenix Thunderbirds