
House Member

No Personal Biography Available

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2002P*political signs; removal
HB2014Cadoption of daylight saving time
HB2128Pleased religious property; class nine
HB2145Cconvention; delegates; limitations; oath
HB2146CPSPRS; service weapon; purchase
HB2176Plegislative appropriations; state; federal; monies
(NOW: federal land relinquishment; payments)
HB2180Cschools; menu of assessments
HB2181Cschools; omnibus statutory repeals
HB2250Cempowerment scholarship accounts; applications
HB2251Ccorporate tax credits; annual report
HB2326Ccompact; balanced budget; convention
HB2517Pinternet crimes against children; fund
HB2535P*tax; renewable energy; on-site consumption
HB2545P*technical correction; power authority; monies
(NOW: direct care personnel; duties)
HB2553Chuman trafficking victim; vacating conviction
(NOW: sex trafficking victim; vacating conviction)
HB2554P*technical correction; youth sex offenders
HB2555P*technical correction; county library district
HB2571CDCS information; legislator discussion
HB2578Preal property; purchaser dwelling actions
HB2629Csupreme court; attorney licensing
HCM2001Cfederal balanced budget amendment
HCM2003Curging Congress; increase customs personnel
HCR2001Pconstitutional amendments; sixty percent approval
HCR2002Pjudicial elections; sixty percent
HCR2003Capplication; Article V convention
HCR2015Cconvention; amendments; balanced federal budget
HCR2016Cpersonal property tax; exemption
HCR2022P*auditor general; reappointment.
HCR2029Cpersons with disabilities; employment; support
HR2005Cdeath resolution; Officer Tyler Stewart
SB1267Cschools; exempt fundraisers
SB1318Pabortion; health care exchange; licensure
SB1332Pempowerment scholarship accounts; reservation residences
SB1464Cstudent, teacher data collection; prohibitions
SB1465Pdistributed energy generation systems; disclosure
SCR1010PSenator Chester Crandell; death resolution
SCR1019Pcommending Israel
SCR1020PMayor John Driggs; death resolution