
House Member

Personal Information:
Home City: Sahuarita
Occupation: High School Physics and Math Teacher
Member Since: 2015
Chris Ackerley is an Arizona native.  He grew up in Tucson and Douglas, attended Greenfields High School and Northern Arizona University, and currently lives in Sahuarita with his wife Melissa and two children.  Chris is a high school physics and math teacher with 15 years of classroom experience.  He currently teaches at Amphitheater High School in Tucson.

Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2142Cwater infrastructure finance authority; prepayment
HB2162Cfire suppression; federal reimbursement.
(NOW: rural fire district study committee)
HB2241P*technical correction; college savings plan  
HB2242P*off-premises vehicle sales; technical correction
HB2243P*technical correction; action to restrain
HB2244P*community colleges; benefits; technical correction
HB2245P*county floodplain regulations; mobile homes
HB2246P*statewide assessments; parental opt out
HB2247P*provisional community colleges; organization; enrollment
HB2248P*mobile home sales; transportability; liability
HB2249P*JTEDs; funding; ninth graders
HB2426Cadditional classroom time for kindergartners.
HB2517Cinternet crimes against children; fund
HB2520Cappropriation; grants; reading-intensive programs
HB2553Chuman trafficking victim; vacating conviction
(NOW: sex trafficking victim; vacating conviction)
HB2571CDCS information; legislator discussion
HB2615P*illegal tax levies; review; notice
HCM2003Curging Congress; increase customs personnel
HCR2007CFisher Houses; twenty-fifth anniversary
HCR2029Cpersons with disabilities; employment; support
HCR2039Cdeath resolution; Bill Badger
HM2001Curging parks board; historic place
HR2005Cdeath resolution; Officer Tyler Stewart
SB1068Cadditional classroom time for kindergartners
SB1166Chealth care insurance; utilization review
SCR1010CSenator Chester Crandell; death resolution
SCR1019Ccommending Israel
SCR1020CMayor John Driggs; death resolution