
House Member

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Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2076Cseparating service members; licensure
(NOW: military applicants; license requirements)
HB2136Pfirefighter and EMT memorial
HB2201Cnonprescription contraceptive devices; pharmacies
HB2204Claw enforcement; surviving spouse; insurance
HB2217Cextraordinary educators special plates
HB2413Clabor organizations; nonunion employees; representation
HB2414Cpublic employees; collective bargaining
HB2415Cstate employees; meet and confer
HB2416Cnoncertificated school employees; due process.
HB2417Clabor representative; employee; privilege.
HB2418Cstate personnel system; covered employees
HB2481Ppermissible consumer fireworks; penalty
HB2484Cveterans; hiring preference; tax credit
HB2492Cmunicipalities; wastewater utility; acquisition; repeal
HB2499CJTEDs; per pupil funding calculation
(NOW: per pupil funding calculation; JTEDs)
HB2522Cnative American tribes; TPT revenues
HB2523Cstate transportation board; tribal representation
HB2539P*education; academic skills
HB2540P*Father Kino special plates
HB2541P*state contracts; preference; Arizona businesses
HB2557Cschools; CPR instruction.
HB2558Cfirearms; state preemption; local laws
HB2563Cteacher preparation programs; common core
HB2564Cpostsecondary institutions; accreditation disclosure
HB2620Cappropriation; soft capital
HB2622Creal estate department; civil penalties
HB2623Cemployee paydays; violation
HB2624Cforeclosure mediation program.
HB2625Cdriver licenses; legal presence repeal
HB2631Cunlawful discharge; firearm; intoxication
HB2638Cseat belt law; civil penalty
HB2639Clabor; rest periods; meal breaks
HB2640Cpaid sick and safe time
HB2642Ccall center relocation; notice; penalty
HB2649Cabortion; permitted practices
HB2650Pschools; prohibited courses; repeal..
HB2651Pimmigration; law enforcement; repeal.
HCM2004Cveterans' home; tribal lands
HCR2018CCitizens United decision; repeal
HCR2034CArizona territory; 150th anniversary
HCR2035Crecognizing Arizona caregivers
HCR2036PBoy Scouts of America
HR2002Cimmigration reform; principles.
SB1160Pdriver licenses; authorized presence proof
SB1337Cschools; CPR training
SB1463Ccounties; flood control districts; rules
SCR1020PSheriff Larry Dever; death resolution