
House Member

Personal Information:

Home City:Gilbert
Member Since:
January 2001



Sponsored Bills

Bill NumberSponsor TypeShort/NOW Title
HB2096P*theft; means of transportation; jail
HB2097P*identity theft; sentence; jail
HB2179P*economic loss; definition
HB2180P*attorney fees; public interest actions
HB2181P*patient release; notice; disclosure
HB2182P*capital cases; aggravating factors
(NOW: applicability; criminal defendants; justification)
HB2336Pcorporate income tax rate reduction
HB2337Pindividual income tax rate reduction
HB2359P*writs of execution; notice; service
HB2400Paccelerate class one tax reduction.
HB2401Pstate equalization property tax; repeal..
HB2703P*homeowner's associations; homestead exemption; foreclosures
HB2726P*unlawfully obtaining communication records
(NOW: communication service records; unauthorized use)
HB2751Pimmigration law; appropriation
HB2752Pillegal aliens; domestic terrorism
HB2766Pnational guard mobilization; border; appropriation
HB2779Pfair and legal employment act
HCR2049Pimmigration enforcement
HCR2051Pfair and legal employment; referendum
SB1308CCORP; probation officers; service purchase
SB1309CCORP; disability retirements
SB1636Cstolen vehicles; license plate images